
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

crayon art and childhood memories


In conforming to the likes of pinterest fanatics and crafty mormon moms alike, we have created our very own crayon art with our friends Audrey West and Sarai.  We had three hairdryers going at once and blew a fuse in our room...and then in the lobby...and then in the hallway.  We are now on the custodians "list."

Kelly put a lot of thought behind hers and it turned out to be artistic and meaningful.  I just lined the crayons up by color and started waving the hairdryer around with this kindergartenesque result:

And now Kelly's...

All these crayons made us think about our childhood...It's story time.

Audrey's Childhood

Kindergarten: (Washington D.C) The glory days. Playing double-double this-this, double-double that-that at the back of the bus, having the bomb-est sleepovers of all time, and going to Bush Gardens.
First Grade:  (D.C.) Dad said he wouldn't let go when I was learning to ride a bike without training wheels... HE LET GO.
Second Grade: (Hawaii) Days were spent making leis out of the island flowers, playing with millipedes, going to the beach, and discovering secret paths through the rain-forest in our backyard. (Sadly my parents later informed me it was a tiny garden)
Third Grade: (Washington State) Wore an ugly belt on the first day of school.
Fourth Grade: (WA) Our class played Survivor.  I made it to the top 15, until I lost my tribe an immunity challenge.  They all said they weren't going to vote me off the island but they did... I'm still not quite over it...
Fifth Grade: (WA) Petitioned the principal to start a school newspaper with my friend, Sharae. I wrote the political science column and the book reviews, but was strictly forbidden by one of the boys on the newspaper staff to write the fashion column... I guess not much has changed.
Sixth Grade: (WA) Waged a year long war against the evil Mrs. Davies with my friend, Jordan. We emerged victorious, yet her jean-dresses with kittens poking out of the pockets haunt me to this day...
Seventh Grade: (WA) Beginning of the dark days. Notable events include believing somebody who told me that the coaches of the Superbowl teams that year were both gay.
Eighth Grade: (WA) The dark days. I attempt to use tanning lotion and invent a boyfriend named Kevin Hill. (He went to a different school, but our love was deeper than the sea).
Ninth Grade: (WA) The dark days near their close. I purchase gaucho pants and several sparkly belts.
Tenth Grade: (WA) I join the swim team. I quit the swim team. Am baffled by the success of popular vampire novels. Discover that green gummy bears are strawberry flavoured. Spell everything the British way.
Eleventh Grade: (Kentucky) The days of high school smoke detectors going off every two minutes, painting my bedroom walls, and being the coolest kid at the social reject table. Notable events include running into my house with my car. Always thinking.
Twelfth Grade: (Utah) You start with the glory days, you end with the glory days. Skipping school to go hiking by myself? Yes. Getting the most glamorous job of all time? (Hot Dog on a Stick) Yes. Reading Anne of Green Gables and subsequently attempting to write nature poetry for a month? Heck yes. (Interestingly, in reexamining this poetry, I noticed that nearly all the titles begin with "oh." Examples: "Oh, Spring" and "Oh, That my Dreams Were Clouds." It was quality stuff.)
Thirteenth Grade (more commonly referred to as freshman year): I laugh about my childhood while simultaneously trying to forget most of it. Here's to life after high school!!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

audrey and the not so super tuesday

For those of you who were unaware, today is Super Tuesday! If you don't know what that is simply google it and you will be greeted with thousands of recent news articles.
But this post has nothing to do with politics really,  but with all the reasons why today was NOT super.

1. All of my time since I woke up at 8:30 AM until 8 PM was spent either in class, doing homework or taking a test. This is completely unacceptable.  First and foremost because it means that almost 24 hours have gone by since the new How I Met Your Mother aired and I still haven't watched it.

2. I just went to watch the new episode of How I Met Your Mother and discovered it wasn't even on last night.

3. All I've eaten today is a muffin and some pizza rolls. I almost miss the guaranteed lunchroom meals we had every day in high school. (This is a joke. I do not and never will miss anything about high school. Whenever discussing those dark times I defer to this quote: "High school is like a spork. It's a crappy spoon and a crappy fork, so in the end it's just plain useless.")

4. I seriously bombed my basic conducting class today. And this after the fact that I had already been late to class, then realized I had forgotten my SD card to record myself conducting and had to sprint back to the dorms to get it.  I'm serious when I say conducting is not as easy as it looks once you move beyond your basic 4/4 down, left, right, up shiz. It may come easy to some, but I look more like someone trying to signal a plane from a deserted island (or a bird caught in wire?) than a conductor. To give you some idea, we were grading each other this time and I caught a glimpse of the sheet of the girl next to me. It looked like mostly 7s and 8s, except for the giant 4 next to my name... well at least I have an A in American Heritage. Take THAT music lovers. Just kidding- in reality I would probably exchange some of my smarts for an increase in musical talent. (or for any common sense whatsoever)  The only plus is that someone told me I had a really pretty voice today. Ironically it was the same girl who gave me the 4, but I'll take it. P.S. my SD card didn't even work.

In other news I starred in the proposal video of a random Asian couple in the library the other day.  Guess that's what happens when you stay at the library until 11:45 on a Wednesday (okay Friday) night. (It's what all the cool kids are doing)  Also I have taken to making up parodies to crappy songs in the shower. Let's just say my version of "When I Grow Up" by the Pussycat Dolls contains far more important goals than being the "number one chick when I step out on the scene."

Have a great day ya'll! Don't forget to smile. And if you see Kelly, tell her to pay her taxes.

Also if you go to BYU and were not able to attend the INCREDIBLE forum by Dr. Ben Carson, I highly recommend you purchase one of these books:
